ATTENTION: Men Over 40, 50 and 60 Who Want To Lose Weight, Burn Belly Fat, Learn What To Eat and Get In The Best Shape Of Your Life
NEW FREE BOOK: World Renown Fitness Expert Is Giving Away FREE Copies Of His Secret Weapon “Hard Physique Blueprint
That Has Already Transformed Thousands Of Men Over 40 From Tired, Weak And Flabby To Strong, Ripped And Confident In 30-Days

Click the play button to watch the video below and make sure to turn up your volume

I wrote this book because I knew that there were a ton of men over the age of 40, 50 and 60 who struggle with weight loss, muscle growth, nutrition, low testosterone and getting healthy…just like struggled with when I was 40.

But in my wildest dreams, I couldn’t begin to fathom the world-wide response, or men from all over the world this book would actually impact…

In fact, word spread so much about the value inside this book, that Over 40 Shred quickly climbed to the top of the Best Seller lists, including…
#1 Amazon Best Seller (Kindle) in 11 Different Categories
My Publisher Gave Me Only 1000 Copies Available…
And Once They’re Gone - THEY’RE GONE!

Here’s A Sneak Peek Of What’s Inside
This FREE Book

  • Powerful done-for-you metabolic home workouts that take no more than 25 minutes to stimulate maximum fat loss results while erupting your body with a fresh surge of natural testosterone…
  • ​The exact 3-day exercise routine you can follow from home to pack on lean, ripped, and athletic muscle while demolishing stubborn body fat at the exact same time for rippling cuts in your arms, shoulders, chest, and abs…
  • Electrifying fat-frying movements you can follow from your own living room that rev-up your metabolism like a Nascar driver going pedal to the metal with a suped-up 850-hp engine...
  • ​Eating low carb and high protein is the fastest way to get shredded, right? Wrong! See why traditional diets wage war on your male hormones… plus the exact type of diet men need to get lean while increasing your testosterone levels.
  • ​The world’s best foods for your testosterone levels that also fight fat… plus “how much” and “when” to eat these anabolic foods for fast-acting results.
  • My Meta-Test Boost Nutrition Guide that lays down the law for men who want to lose belly fat and get lean all around while still being a high performing man in the bedroom, during your workouts, and at the office.
  • ​Discover why age is NOT a barrier… but an opportunity to work with your body’s most powerful hormones for high-powered fat shredding results. (Most guys use age as an excuse to give up on the body of your dreams… however, in this guide I’ll show you how to work with your age for lightning quick results.)
  • ​Uncover the goal-setting mistake 97% of men make after turning 40 that’s guaranteed to bury you in a pit of frustration. I’ll show you how to strategically set your goals for the next 4 weeks to get lean and ripped faster than you imagined possible
  • ​Why you should never eat too much fiber... 3 common “fat loss foods” that kill your testosterone… how eating bacon can be used for burning fat (and boosting your male hormones)... and many other “tricks of the trade” that I’ve used to help thousands of men over 40 get in the best shape of their lives…
  • ​The #1 testosterone-boosting sleep routine scientifically proven to boost your master male hormone up to 20% overnight while supercharging your fat burning results so you can wake up with more energy, drive, and looking harder in the mirror than the night before...
  • ​How to erase muscle soreness and eliminate joint pain so you get rock-hard and ripped over the next 4 weeks without a single body ache… (it won’t matter if you’ve had past injuries or joint pain for years… the relaxation tactics in this manual will calm your joints, soothe your body, and have you feeling like you hit the rewind button on your physique).
  • ​Plus so much more!
Check Out The Results From These Men Over The Age of 40, 50 and 60  Who Used Over 40 Shred Program

Funk Roberts

The weight loss results and testimonials are in no way a guarantee of results. Individual weight loss results, including amount and time, will vary.

Johnathan Tarry

The weight loss results and testimonials are in no way a guarantee of results. Individual weight loss results, including amount and time, will vary.

Karl Godden

The weight loss results and testimonials are in no way a guarantee of results. Individual weight loss results, including amount and time, will vary.

Warwick Rule

The weight loss results and testimonials are in no way a guarantee of results. Individual weight loss results, including amount and time, will vary.

Mark Evans

The weight loss results and testimonials are in no way a guarantee of results. Individual weight loss results, including amount and time, will vary.

Allan Little

The weight loss results and testimonials are in no way a guarantee of results. Individual weight loss results, including amount and time, will vary.

Steven Hysaw

The weight loss results and testimonials are in no way a guarantee of results. Individual weight loss results, including amount and time, will vary.

Victor Silva

The weight loss results and testimonials are in no way a guarantee of results. Individual weight loss results, including amount and time, will vary.

Larry Martin

The weight loss results and testimonials are in no way a guarantee of results. Individual weight loss results, including amount and time, will vary.

Rick Hearn

The weight loss results and testimonials are in no way a guarantee of results. Individual weight loss results, including amount and time, will vary.


The weight loss results and testimonials are in no way a guarantee of results. Individual weight loss results, including amount and time, will vary.


The weight loss results and testimonials are in no way a guarantee of results. Individual weight loss results, including amount and time, will vary.

How A 51 Year-Old Fitness Pro and Martial Artist Prescribed Testosterone Crippling Pills After Near Death Experience Discovers Powerful Method To Reverse Low-T And Get Rock Hard Abs No Matter Your Age Or Current Shape…

From: Funk Roberts
Toronto, Canada
Let me tell me the story on how I created the Over 40 Shred worldwide phenomenon.
This is how I’m going to die...

Those were the words ringing through my head as I collapsed to the mat. My lungs felt on fire and I couldn’t catch my breath…

Like I was in a tight choke hold with only seconds till blacking out...

Yet I was alone. Gasping for air in an empty gym. And what happened next was worse than I could‘ve ever imagined...
Hi. I’m Funk Roberts and a couple years ago I nearly died while exercising. It’s still hard to talk about…

However, it led me to a shocking discovery for men over 40 that helped me strip inches of fat off my body and get ripped abs while sculpting a lean and athletic physique...

Even more impressive…

I Got Shredded And Strong Despite My
Doctor Sentencing Me To A Lifetime Of
Testosterone Killing Meds

So you could say I overcame the odds…

Beat up Big Pharma… and am here to share my secret with you.

So if you’re a man who wants to:
  • Protect your precious T-levels from the rapid biological decline striking 1 in 4 new victims every year...
  • ​Build a strong and ripped body using only your bodyweight and exercising no more than 75-minutes per week
  • ​Recapture the erotic spark in your life. Boost your sex drive. And enjoy more passion and stamina in the bedroom…
  • Rewind time on your joints and soothe aches and pains following a low impact routine that also burns heavy body fat
  • ​Boost your metabolism and reclaim the calorie-burning superpowers you once had as a teenager (the kind when you could eat almost anything and get away with it)
  • ​Rejuvenate your body and cells for all day energy, drive, and focus…
  • ​Plus so much more... like getting off dangerous medications that make you feel sluggish and lazy. Having the power to refuse TRT. And giving the middle finger to Big Pharma’s schemes to turn you into their lifelong “cash cow”...
Then this will be the most important letter you read today...

And if you think you’re “over the hill,” or your best days are behind you, I know exactly how you feel… and I’ll show you how to get your best body regardless of age...

You see, I was a professional volleyball athlete for many years and stayed in top shape through my 20’s and early 30’s. Yet...

After Turning 39 A Flip Switched In My Male Biology
And My World Came Crashing Down

It’s still so fresh in my mind...

I was hunched over the edge of the bed staring at the floor in dead silence. Her arms folded in disappointment...

This wasn’t the first time I jumped under the covers with her… only to apologize minutes later for “losing it”...

It’s not like I had full blown ED. But my body wasn’t operating like it used to… and my libido, the very essence of what makes us men, fell down the rabbit hole…

It’s like my appetite for sex vanished into thin air

Eventually our connection was “broken”... basically, the times I would finally be turned on... she wasn’t. And the times she was turned on, I wasn’t.

Sex became one of those rare occasions where the stars had to align perfectly... which almost never happened.

And after a few months, she was fed up. And late one night...

She Attacked Me In The Bedroom…

“Why aren’t you attracted to me anymore?”

“You’re hardly the man I first met!”

“You used to be so… sexy. What happened!?”    

Each dig felt like a haymaker to my pride. So I blamed my “lack of passion” on being tired, stressed, and getting older...

After all, I thought “winding down” was normal with age. I mean, don’t all men gradually lose their fire?
That’s when I got blindsided with a painful lesson. Because days later...

She Betrayed Me And Left For Someone Else...

Some smug guy at her office who was older than me...

Someone who could “meet her every need” - which were her final words as she slammed the door in my face...

I was devastated. Humiliated. Heck, I was furious! Not just at her... but at my body for letting me down. I mean...

How could my biology forget how to work?

And why was this other guy purring through aging like a Ferrari firing on all cylinders yet my body was putzing along like a broken down Station Wagon?

It didn’t make sense. But one thing was for sure...

I Was Going To Get Revenge On My Ex...

Before all this happened, I was in amazing shape. But at 39 I retired from volleyball and started working a regular 9 to 5 job. And my body became soft, pudgy, and much weaker than it used to be…

Surely if I got my younger body back she’d come crawling on her hands and knees begging to have me again...

So I became a workout junkie...

Going to the gym every day after work, plus on weekends...

Following the typical “bodybuilder” routines you see in the magazines and doing cardio.

I thought I was making progress...

Until one day after a long workout my training partner admitted something that cut through me like butter...

“Doesn’t it piss you off that you come to the gym every day and STILL look the same...

I mean, you don’t have abs and your body hasn’t changed much…”

I remember going home that night. Standing in front of the mirror and slowly taking off my shirt. Deep down, I didn’t want to believe him...

Yet as I looked at my reflection, I realized he was right...

I was a 215 pound, puffy “bodybuilder look-alike” with a round belly and fat oozing over my shorts…

And that’s when I realized something was terribly wrong.

I mean, how could I exercise and eat healthy for months yet still look chubby, soft and still feel low on energy?

So I went to my doctor for a routine checkup. Got some blood work done. And he came in the room, closed the door and said... 

“Funk, You Have Low Testosterone…”

And do you know what he did next?

Pulled out his pen and wrote a prescription for testosterone replacement therapy…

Without asking me a single lifestyle question. Or giving me advice on how I can improve my levels naturally. Nope...  

He went straight to the pellets, creams, and pills.

Wanting one thing… money.
Which is how most physicians are. In fact, a study published in JAMA International Medicine states over half of all TRT prescriptions aren’t even needed. Those bastards…

I left his office furious...

Refusing to sign my life over to Big Pharma… yet I was desperate to get this “issue” fixed...

So I buried myself in research. Examining every nutrition and fitness routine to boost my t-levels naturally. Digging through countless hours of University studies and science-backed publications...

And realized… I’ve been committing testosterone suicide this entire time

And if I was making these mistakes, I knew other men were unknowingly doing it too…

Which led me to creating a workout and nutrition plan that changed my life

I call it Meta-Test Boost Training...

Because the specific diet and exercise methods I used are shown to boost your testosterone and supercharge your metabolism quickly, safely, and naturally…

And because I didn’t want to look or feel like a chubby, slow bodybuilder anymore... I took time away from lifting heavy weights and exercised using only my bodyweight and a few dumbbells...

The workouts were short... and although intense, were low impact on my joints so I never struggled with inflammation or aches and pains like when I was lifting in the gym…

Best part? I exercised just three days per week, 25 minutes per workout... which was great for me as a recently turned single man because I needed the extra time to go on dates and have a social life.

Plus, my body recovered after every workout so my hormones never burnt out. And shockingly...

In Just 6 Months I Went From A 215 lb Puff Ball, Low On Energy & Testosterone... To A Ripped, 185 lbs Athlete With Soaring Test Levels

The methods I used were so powerful my body looked and felt 10 years younger...

Plus the energy, drive, and passion that left, was back…

I was so excited about my transformation that I came out of retirement as a professional athlete... flew across the world to Thailand and won my first ever Muay Thai fight against a guy half my age

I was on top of the world again…

And getting my body, life, and health back naturally… without the “help” of my doctor, TRT, or any pill, supplement, or potion, gave me a sense of pride every man should feel in his lifetime

As for the ex girlfriend who left me...

She’s old news. I met another woman who became my wife... and let’s just say I was back to my reliable self in the bedroom...

And I wish I could end the story there. And tell you my life was all rainbows and daisies. Yet ten years later my methods were put to the test...

I Was In The Fight Of My Life…

Staring Death In The Eye.

And it happened without warning…

See, I’d been following the same Meta-Test Boost workouts that radically changed my life and body. On the outside I was in amazing shape, now at 49 years old…

Yet on the inside, something terrifying happened...

My lungs stopped working

Mid workout I fell to the floor clenching my chest... every breath felt shallower than the last.

I crawled to my phone, to call 911. Hardly able to speak, I blurted out…

“Help! I think I’m dying!”

Minutes later the ambulance arrived and paramedics strapped me to a gurney and sped me down the highway…

Stay with us, Funk. It’s going to be okay”...

That’s all I remember before blacking out...

Two painful surgeries later the surgeon found I had a rare lung condition called crypto-organizing pneumonia... basically, the small airways in my lungs were being blocked. Which caused the breathtaking event that nearly ended my life…

And the doctor assured me it would happen again if I didn’t take the medication he prescribed...

So he handed me a bottle of prednisone… one of the WORST drugs for your testosterone. In fact, countless studies show small doses of this pill drastically lower t-levels...

I begged the doctor for another option and he plainly said...

“You Can Take These Pills And Face Low Testosterone...
Or Die. Those Are Your Only Two Options…”

I had to give in. And make the choice that was best for my wife, our family, and for me...

I remember driving home in silence...

I sat in the passenger seat holding the pill bottle in my hand. Imagining how everything I worked so hard for would disappear...

All the fat I lost would come back…

I’ll be “Funk, the zombie.” Walking around the house low on energy and unmotivated again...

And my biggest fear… I’d lose my wife.

Just a decade ago my ex-girlfriend left me because of low t. Because I couldn’t please her or “perform” like the man she first met...

I was terrified I’d lose someone again. And feel humiliated and rejected like before...

Then I realized… it didn’t have to be this way. In fact, this was an opportunity…

To Put My Meta-Test Boost Training To The Test... Because If I Could Beat Low-T Despite Taking One Of  World’s Most Debilitating Drugs For Your Hormones…

Then I Quite Possibly Discovered The Most Powerful System For Men Over 40 To Get Their Body And Life Back...

So I didn’t change a thing…

Sure, I took my medication. But everything else stayed the same...

My workouts were short and effective. My nutrition revolved around testosterone boosting carbs and fats and just a little bit of protein…

I stayed hydrated, and put a huge emphasis on recovering from my training…

And my body stayed trim and lean. In fact, I’d lost an extra 2% body fat in the next coming weeks. I felt strong, athletic, and my joints felt indestructible...

My sex life hadn’t slowed a bit and I was full of energy. Nothing had changed despite being forced on these testosterone lowering pills. I even had my blood work checked to monitor my lung condition and my testosterone levels were higher than a few months prior

I Knew I Had Accidentally Discovered Something

Special That Could Change The Lives Of Thousands Of Men.
Just Like It Did For These Guys…

“I’m 66 years old and in the best shape of my life!”

Funk’s Over 40 program is built on four simple principles of nutrition, mindset, workouts and recovery; when properly followed, it produces outstanding results. I’m 66 years old, with the stamina of someone 20 years younger, higher testosterone and remarkably in the best shape of my life!!! Thanks Funk!

- Clifton B. 66

“I haven’t been in this good of shape… EVER!”

In the past I powerlifted, did some professional wrestling (Mr. Hollywood), and just lifted heavy. Then I discovered Over 40 Shred and I was impressed with Funk and his passion for guys over 40. The workouts are hard but fun, I haven’t been in this good of “Cardio” shape... EVER!

- Tim M. 61

“It’s the real thing!”

Over 40 Shred is the only program I know that successfully brings together a varied and challenging workout plan, a realistic and sustainable nutrition approach, an alpha-building mindset, an amazingly positive community of men over 40, and an engaged, real and passionate trainer. It’s the real thing!

- Lawrence P. 52

“I’ve lost 17 lbs. and I’m rocking a pretty nice 4-pack!”

I started this program with 5 months before I turned 40 (figured I’d get a head start). I spent a lot of time lifting heavy weights, but my joints were in so much pain after these heavy workouts, that I just quit. I blew up to a sloppy 205 in no time and was rewarded with a “dadbod.” I am about 4 months in and rocking a pretty nice 4-pack with a pouch and dropped down to 188, with no joint pain and MUCH more mobility and flexibility! I am so looking forward to continuing this journey!

- Brian F. 39

“Funk’s no BS approach helped me ditch 3 inches and a bunch of bad habits.”

As a former athlete and combat vet, I had an idea of what being in shape looked like. I also knew how far off I had fallen. Funk’s program provides excellent and simple direction and guidance. In a little over a month’s time, 3 inches and a lot of bad habits were gone. Funk’s straightforward, no BS, researched based approach was the answer I needed- easily followed and sustained!

- Eric B.

“You don’t need to kill yourself to lose weight!”

In the first 2 months of the program I lost 21lbs and 7% body fat. I learned you don’t need to kill yourself to lose weight! Only 30 minutes exercise 4 times a week for amazing results. I found the nutrition so simple and tasty within 1 week I had good eating habits for life.

- Rob P. 42

I’ve included all of my secrets, including my exact Meta-Test Boost Workouts and Meta-Test Boost Nutrition Guide into my Over 40 Shred book that I want to send you for FREE today.

Here’s More Of What You’ll Find Inside Over 40 Shred

  • Why full body workouts trump all for skyrocketing your male hormones and giving you the fastest and most noticeable fat loss in the shortest time possible…
  • Exercises that are gentle on your ankles, knees, back, shoulders, and neck so you can enjoy all the fat burning and muscle hardening benefits WITHOUT flaring up your joints or causing painful inflammation for the sake of a “good workout”...
  • Most men “go to war” when they work out. Without considering longevity or the effects of the wear and tear placed on your body… With the Meta-Test Boost Workouts you have full access to the most potent at-home exercises specifically designed for men over 40 to get shredded safely and quickly.
  • ​The male-specific formula to eating tons of carbs and fats while losing inches of belly fat quicker than you imagined possible... (you won’t find this kind of information in popular bodybuilding magazines or fitness sites)...
  • ​The truth about protein and why you don’t need much at all to build muscle and get ripped… (no more bland chicken, tuna, and egg whites… hooray!)
  • Unlock the Anabolic Mindset that’ll help you break through fat-burning barriers while continually getting stronger with age and WITHOUT injuries.
  • ​Find how to harness the power of visualization (a technique used by the world’s toughest and most shredded athletes) to achieve the rock-hard body you deserve. Do this right before you go to bed and you’ll wake up feeling energized, stronger and tighter…
  • ​Why the biggest lie of the fitness industry is “do more to see more results.” And the REAL secret weapon for guys our age to maximize your male hormones and achieving the lean body that turns heads (and grabs the attention of women decades younger).
  • ​Plus much, MUCH more... 

There Is NO CATCH!

There are some programs out there that offer you something cool for free, but then stick you into some continuity program that charges your card every month.

This isn't one of them.

There's NO hidden "continuity program" or NO “hidden costs” or NO “extra fees” or NO “money to pay at a later day”

The reason why I am doing this…
  • It's my way of saying thank you for being a dedicated subscriber, follower customer and supporter of Funk Roberts Fitness.
  • I get another one of my products in your hands, and when you see how awesome it is, it should get you excited to buy other stuff from me in the future.
  • I am one step closer to helping 1 Million Men over the age of 35, 40, 50 and 60 years old get into the best shape of their life.

Time Is Of The Essence...

Here's why...

We've only printed a thousand copies of this book, and when they're gone... well, they're gone!  

If this page is still here, then the offer is live. But I reserve the right to pull it down at any time.

I’ve Already Bought Your Copy For You…

See - because I know what it’s like to be in your shoes…

And how defeating it can be to look in the mirror and be ashamed of the way your body looks

I want to help you get to the other side like I did…  

That’s why I want to give you a copy of Over 40 Shred for FREE on this page.  

I only ask that you cover the small shipping cost and it’s yours.

All you have to do is click the button that says, “Yes! I Want My FREE Copy Of Over 40 Shred Now!”...

Complete the secure checkout form on the next page…

And I’ll have your book in the mail and you’ll receive it in the next 2-5 business days…

Once it arrives you’ll have the complete guide to lose weight, trim away the fat, get strong and look as good as you did in your college days (maybe even better) just weeks from now.

I’ll Also Back Up The Shipping Cost

With My 30-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee…

I have no doubt you’re going to love everything about Over 40 Shred…

But if for any reason you don’t, just let me know…

And I’ll give you a full refund on the small shipping fee

No questions asked. Plus I’ll even let you keep the book.

So you have nothing to lose when you order your copy today…

And only a lean, strong and attractive physique to gain.

But you need to act fast…

I’ve only purchased 1,000 copies of Over 40 Shred to give away for free.

And once they’re gone— they’re gone.

Since this page is still up and running, it means I still have a few copies left…

But they’re going to go fast… so I can promise you this page won’t be up much longer.

There are millions of men just like you who are viewing this exact page…

And only the fastest action takers are going to unlock my secrets to quickly upgrade your physique in a short 30-days.

So don’t wait a moment longer…

Click the button below to claim your free copy of Over 40 Shred.
I can’t wait to hear about your results!

Funk Roberts
Just in case you’re like me and scroll down to the bottom of the page, let me recap this amazing opportunity for you…

I’m mailing you a physical copy of my book Over 40 Shred: The Ultimate 30-Day Fitness And Nutrition Guide For Men Over 40 Who Want To Lose Weight, Burn Belly Fat, Increase Testosterone, And Get Into The Best Shape Of Their Life

I’ve already purchased the book for you…

So it’s FREE. All you have to do is pay the shipping cost.

If for any reason you don’t love the book, I’ll give you a refund no— questions asked… and I’ll even let you keep the book.

This is a no risk, all reward opportunity to get your body and confidence cranked up to 10.

So click the button below and tell me where I can send your book.

You’ll be so glad you did. 

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