Over 40 Alpha Video Success Stories

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More O40A Success Stories

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Age: 50

"I lost 25 pounds on the Over 40 Alpha program. I use the program everywhere I go with the app. I've tried lots of programs, this is the most convenient and best for men over 40.  This program has been absolutely fantastic"

Mark Evans

Age: 55

"After one month I lost 10 pounds, and 2% bodyfat. I have biceps now, triceps and almost have abs for the first time in my life. Also the meditation and relax and yoga, as well as the brotherhood on Facebook has been a gamechanger. Wake up your sleeping Alpha with us"


Age:  40

"I was losing 2 pounds per week last month and excited to be pushing forward. Appreciate having a platform to get ourselves on track with workouts and nutrition to get our testosterone back up."


Age: 37

"Been with the Funk for a while, you motivate me you don't even know.  I got stronger and faster with the program. I didn't do a good job with nutrition, but now on track. We can all be dangerous after getting Funks workouts done. GET IT DONE"

Matt James

Age: 53

"I have lost bodyfat and inches and clothes fit better. The big payoff is having my coworkers asking how I have so much energy.. I can't tell you how grateful I am for you Funk. I was doing crossfit and felt like I was fading out. I was worried if I could really bring it now that my workouts are at home but Funk is right there with me, motivating me. Man the coaching calls are worth it alone"

Gerald Villaver

Age:  46

"Shoutout to Funk for finally creating a workout program specifically for men over 40. The 30 minute workouts are so effective, it's money baby. I love the HIIT and how safe these are, feeling fresh and not burned out."

Terry Swanson

Age: Over 40

"I was headed down a bad health path before Funk. My blood pressure is now awesome, my physique is something I'm now confident with. I went from round to athletic shape. It's been hard work but this program will take you where you need to go"

Allen M

Age:  Over 40

"I  was an endurance athlete but then after going back to school I gained 20 pounds. I came across Over 40 Alpha and in the first 30 days I lost 10 pounds, and then another 5. I'm in the best shape of my life. The workouts are quick and challenging and works.  I've got a lot from this, thanks so much Funk"

Arturo G

Age: 51

"I have lost over 25 pounds on the O40A program.
My energy is better, my stamina has increased and my mood is better.
I'm also sleeping better at night.

Ruben Briones Calleja

Age: 41

"I have used many programs and the Over 40 Alpha has been the best. I eat better and sleep better and it's changed my life.
I recommend it to anyone who wants a better life."


Age: 55

"I'm one of the Alpha brothers using the program. This program has got me in better shape, my cardio is a lot better, but the motivation and accountability is the gamechanger. It is like a team and the accountability has been a blessing."

Dr. Julio Luis Pozuelos Lope

Age:  Over 40

"The Over 40 is very adequate for my age, the workouts I used to do are hard with my age. As a physician, these type of exercises are great for our age. I have changed my life with this program. Thanks for everything Funk"

Blace N

Age: 51

"I have lost 28 pounds (193 to 165)
I have lost more than 2 inches around my waist and I am approaching 15% body fat!
I have Increased confidence and self-esteem in how I physically appear.
The Alpha Meta-Test-Boost meal plan has substantially increased my energy and enhanced my concentration to new heights and I have made new friends who share my passion for fitness for men over 40."

Warwick R

Age: 48  

"I  started the program weighing in about 278 pounds and within a few months got down to 185 pounds. I am now knocking off things on my Bucket List before 50.
Life changing program"

LeAndrew M

Age:  38

"As a result of following the program I noticed my energy has gone through the roof, my muscle definition is better than it was when I was 18 and my endurance has gone through the roof.
I no longer struggle with choosing healthy meals because the program has make healthy eating very simple.
I no longer have high cholesterol, struggle with depression and I have endless energy all day long. To be honest if I had not found this program I probably would have even my health conditions due to my family history and the poor lifestyle choices I had made."

More O40A Successes